Gejiu Zili Tin Smelter on Maintenance
15/11/18 | Tin
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News SMM: Gejiu Zili Mining and Metallurgy Co. Ltd announced that it will run 30-days’ maintenance on its tin production lines from 16th November to 15th December 2018. The subsequent operation and output status of the company will be subject to tin ore supply. In the wake…
Domestic Tin Output Declines
09/11/18 | Tin
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News SMM: China produced 12,311 t of refined tin in October 2018, down 11.6% on-month. The decline can be attributed to production cuts from China Tin Group and IM Dashanzi Tin Industries Co. Ltd due to maintenance and ore supply problems. In Yunnan and Jiangxi, several producers…