Jinchuan WP NPI Project Online
31/07/19 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News 29th July: The No. 3 NPI production line of the Jinchuan WP&RKA Nickel project in Indonesia has yielded a first batch of NPI. This marks significant progress after Jinchuan’s No. 4 NPI production line came online in May 2019. At present, Jinchuan WA&RKA’s No. 3 and…
Domestic NPI Output Increases in June
18/07/19 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News SMM: China produced 49.5 kt of NPI in June, up 3.44% on-month and up 51.93% on-year. With new domestic NPI capacity coming online gradually, output is expected to increase rapidly, weighing on nickel prices in the near- term. Read More
Ni Laterite Exports: Indonesia Steady, Philippines on the Rise
02/03/19 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News SMM: Macika Indonesia’s 1 mln WMT nickel laterite export quotas will expire by end-March 2019. With all previous quotas consumed new quotas are in negotiation. Indonesian Antam’s 2.7 mln WMT quota will expire by end-March 2019, and 5.2 mln WMT of new quotas are expected to…
600 t of NPI Output Reduction in IM
22/02/19 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News Operations at several NPI smelters in IM may be interrupted by electricity supply limits in January 2019. Of all the producing areas, Fengzhen is most affected. In October 2018, at a time when the electricity supply problem was most serious, 20% of NPI output was curtailed…
New NPI Projects Coming on Line
20/02/19 | Nickel
China Nonferrous Metals News New NPI projects are gradually coming online in both China and abroad. At present, two blast furnaces at a NPI smelter in eastern China have come online and generated output in January. A third blast furnace at the same smelter commenced raw materials feed in early…
China Imported 2.2 mln t of Ni Laterite in December
28/01/19 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News China imported 2.2 mln t of nickel laterite in December 2018, down 31.2% on-month and down 12.8% on-year. Of the total, imports from the Philippines dropped by 53.4% on-month to 876 kt and Indonesia imports lifted by 2.2% on-month to 1.23 mln t. Looking forward to…
Domestic High NPI Supply Appears Tight
14/01/19 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News Domestic high NPI output remained stable in December 2018. One large-scale NPI producer in Eastern China brought a 48,000 kVA furnace online in early December 2018, and is now generating output with the result of leveraging up overall domestic output for January. High-NPI imports from Indonesia…
China Produces 457 kt of NPI (in Ni) in 2018
11/01/19 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News China produced 41.5 kt of NPI (in Ni) in December 2018, and total domestic NPI output reached 457 kt (in Ni) in 2018, up 7.92% on-year. High-NPI output for December 2018 edged up slightly by 0.11% on-month to 38.1 kt, chiefly thanks to Liaoning smelters resuming…
Largest Single RKEF Furnace in Operation at Linyi Xinhai
10/01/19 | Nickel
China Nonferrous Metals News China’s largest RKEF NPI furnace in terms of single-furnace volume has been put into operation in Shandong Linyi Xinhai New Materials. Shandong Linyi Xinhai has been designed with 12 NPI production lines (33 MVA each) for phase I and 8 NPI production lines (48 MVA each)…