Gansu: Nonferrous Metals Commercial Reserve Plan
SMM News Gansu’s provincial government is formulating a “Nonferrous Metals Reserve Action Plan in Gansu”. The plan will reserve a total of 436 kt of nonferrous metals for seven months including 80 kt of copper, 300 kt of aluminium, 40 kt of zinc, 15 kt of nickel and 1 kt…
IM Naiman Jing’an: 18 NPI EFs under Construction
23/04/20 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News IM Naiman Jing’an Nonferrous Metal Co. Ltd.’s 1.2 mtpy NPI alloy production lines are under construction at present. Backed by total investment of RMB15 bln, the project involves 36 fully enclosed EFs, including 18 x 33,000 kVA (1.2 mtpy) for NPI smelting, 12 x 33,000 kVA…
Domestic High-NPI Output of 30 kt in April
17/04/20 | Nickel
My Steel News My Steel analysts project domestic high-NPI output at 30 kt in April, down 27% y-o-y due to production cuts by 24 NPI smelters during March and April. China produced 40 kt of NPI in April (both low-NPI and high-NPI), down 19% y-o-y. China’s total output of high-NPI…
Domestic NPI Output Declines in Q1 2020
14/04/20 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News China produced 130 kt of NPI in Q1 2020, down 4.4% y-o-y and down 14.5% m-o-m. The reduction in output chiefly has been led by large smelters such as Xinhai, Delong and Xiangxiang, instead of small, high-cost smelters in IM and Liaoning as previously anticipated. Large…
Domestic NPI Output Declines
20/03/20 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News China produced 42 kt of NPI (in Ni metal) in February 2020, down 20.8% m-o-m. The fall can be attributed to: Reduced smelter operations rates on low nickel laterite inventories High raw material prices, excessive NPI supply in conjunction with low prices have forced…
Surigao Philippines: No Entrance of Foreign Cargos Ships in March
16/03/20 | Nickel
SMM News SMM: Surigao Port, The Philippines has banned the entrance of all foreign cargo ships from 18th March to 31st March 2020. Surigao is a major nickel laterite producing region in The Philippines, with good quality ores. The policy is likely to have limited impact on Philippine nickel…
China Imported 2.68 mln t of Ni Laterite in Jan.2020
27/02/20 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News China imported 2.68 mln t of nickel laterite in January 2020, down 1.64 mln t or 38% on-month but up 7.4% on-year. Indonesian imports were 1.38 mln t, down 44% on-month and down 11.9% on-year; Philippine imports were 1.01 mln t, down 34.1% or 526…
Ji’en Ni Resumes Operation
26/02/20 | Nickel
Asian Metal News Jilin Ji’en Nickel resumed electrolytic nickel production early this month but is holding back sales due to limited stocks (less than100 t.) The company suspended operations in late November 2019 under pressure from low prices and weak demand. According to an internal source, the company will sell…
Jinchuan WP Indonesia: 14 kt NPI Output
18/02/20 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News As of February 14, Jinchuan WP Indonesia had produced 14,007 tons NPI in the month, accomplishing its monthly output target and indicating that its first NPI production line is ramping up to full capacity operation. Source