Domestic Mg Prices on the Rise
05/01/22 | Magnesium
Asian Metal News Mainstream domestic magnesium prices soared by RMB 1,000/t from end-December to RMB 50,000~51,000/t today, driven by concerns about whether existing semi-coke making equipment will be phased out going forward. Industrial commentators project domestic magnesium prices to rise further over the short-term, given tightening semi-coke supply and rising…
Domestic Mg Prices Soar on Semi-coke Uncertainties
28/12/21 | Magnesium
Asian Metals News News released from MEE (Ministry of Ecology and Environment) on 22nd December, regarding environmental issues arising from the phase out of obsolete semi-coke capacity in Yulin, Shanxi has stirred the market with concerns of semi-coal/magnesium supply problems going forward. In response, domestic magnesium prices soared on 22nd…
Yulin Shaanxi: 474 kt Mg Production, January – November 2021
27/12/21 | Magnesium
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News From January to November 2021, Yulin Shaanxi produced 501 mln t of coal, 29.26 mln t of coking coal, 485.5 kt of primary aluminium and 474 kt of primary magnesium, up 6.5%, down by 16.5%, down 5.8% and down by 5.2% y-o-y respectively.
China Exports 36.16 kt of Mg in November
22/12/21 | Magnesium
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News China exported 36.16 kt of magnesium in November 2021, up by 48.6% m-o-m and up by 37.6% y-o-y. China exported 250 kt of magnesium from January to November 2021, up by 37.6% y-o-y.
Domestic Mg Prices Edge Down
21/12/21 | Magnesium
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals New Slowing transactions during the weekend leveraged down domestic magnesium quotation prices by RMB 500/t from last Friday to RMB 41,500~42,000/t today in Fugu Shaanxi. According to a local Fugu smelter, shrinking overseas orders prior to the Christmas holiday, absence of support from the futures market and…
Domestic Mg Prices on the Rise
15/12/21 | Magnesium
Asian Metal News Domestic magnesium prices trended up slightly by RMB1,000/t to RMB41,000~42,000/t on Tuesday, boosted by tighter supply caused by environmental audits underway in the major producing regions of Shaanxi and Ningxia. Industry commentators project domestic magnesium prices to keep steady or describe a slight uptick this week, given…
China Produces 744.2 kt of Mg from January to October 2021
14/12/21 | Magnesium
China Nonferrous Metals News CNIA: China produced 744.2 kt of primary magnesium from January to October 2021. Of the total, 455.7 kt was produced in Shaanxi, 162.3 kt in Shanxi, 38 kt in IM and 65 kt in other regions of China. During November, domestic magnesium prices hovered between RMB…
Upgrades for Approximately 4,000 Mg Reducing Retorts by 2025
09/12/21 | Magnesium
China Nonferrous Metals News The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued “14th Five Year Plan” for green industrial development recenlty. The document emphasizes upgrades and retrofits of retorts in magnesium smelting. It is expected that by end-2025, 4,000 magnesium reduction retorts will be upgraded to vertical retorts. In comparison…
Domestic Mg Prices Rebound
08/12/21 | Magnesium
Asian Metal News Domestic magnesium prices have been on the rise since last Friday, lifting by RMB1,500/t to the current level of RMB39,000~40,000/t. The improvement is led by increasing new orders after the announcement of the one-month environmental audits in Shaanxi. As most local Shaanxi magnesium smelters are declining spot…