Asian Metal News

Shanxi Xiaoyi Huaqing refinery is preparing to begin mining at its captive bauxite mines in mid-June and it is targeting 100 kt output for July 2020.

The company’s bauxite mines have estimated resource reserves of 40 mln t, and is designed with 4 mtpy mining capacity. After surface coal seam removal work is completed in mid-June the company will start bauxite mining. The company is aiming for 1 mln t of bauxite for 2020 with its monthly output estimated at 200 kt in the months following July.

The company chiefly produces high-grade bauxite (Al2O3 70% min) and makes sales to refractory producers.

Xiaoyi Huaqing refinery typically sources low-grade bauxite from the market for its alumina refining – with demand of 960 kt per annum.

Mainstream local bauxite prices (A/S 5.0 grade) now stand at RMB350~370/t, delivered without tax in Shanxi. With tightening supply, local bauxite prices are expected to be stable over the next two weeks.


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