W Concentrate Prices Firm
14/02/20 | Tungsten
China Commodity Marketplace Domestic tungsten concentrate prices are holding firm on limited supply as a result of the NPC epidemic. Today, mainstream quotations of wolframite (65% WO3) stand at RMB91,000~93,000/t, scheelite (65% WO3) at RMB90,000~92,000/t and tungsten concentrates (50~55% WO3) at RMB88,000~89,000/t. Downstream tungsten smelters face increasing difficulties in…
Guizhou Galuminium: 800 ktpy Aa Line Online Q3 2020
14/02/20 | Alumina
Asian Metal News Guizhou Galuminium under the Galuminium Group (GAL) completed construction of its second 800 ktpy alumina production line end-2019, but does not plan to bring it online until Q3 2020 in view of the current weak market. In the wake of several new primary aluminium projects coming…
IM Mengtai Al – Normal Operation
14/02/20 | Aluminium
Ordos Local News 12 February: Mengtai Aluminium smelter in Ordos IM is operating as normal with monthly output steady at present, thanks to sufficient alumina supply and smooth logistics. The primary aluminium ingot produced is being transported to the south China market every day, typically loaded in ten trucks –…
Gansu Xinzhou W Mine Postpones Resumption
13/02/20 | Tungsten
Asian Metal News As mandated by local authorities, Xinzhou Tungsten Mining in Gansu has postponed its resumption plans from 10th February to 1st March 2020. The company produced 100 t of scheelite (55% min grade) in January and currently holds 50 t in stock. Its output for December 2019…
China January Refined Zn Output 534.5 kt
13/02/20 | Zinc
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News SMM: China produced 534.5 kt of refined zinc in January 2020, down 0.47% m-o-m, but up 23.1% y-o-y. During the Chinese New Year holiday in January, several smelters ran maintenance, some small-medium smelters in Hunan suspended operations, and some large smelters continued operating as normal. In…
Domestic Al Producers to Restart Next Week
13/02/20 | Aluminium
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News SMM: Approximately half of domestic aluminium producers submitted requests to restart production on 10th February, but the actual resumption date may be delayed further. According to SMM, most producers will restart next week, with resumption dates for small-medium producers as yet undecided. It is expected that…
SPIC Shanxi: Aa Line under Maintenance
12/02/20 | Alumina
Asian Metal News SPIC Shanxi was designed with 3 mtpy alumina capacity with 500 ktpy capacity across six production lines. The company suspended one production line for maintenance in early February, with completion expected late in the month. The company’s January output was 240 kt, and February output is…
Majority of Domestic Producers to Resume Operations Late Feb.
12/02/20 | Alumina
Majority of Domestic Producers to Resume Operations Late Feb. Fubao News According to a recent notice published by the authority of Gongyi, Henan, local producers must submit resumption requests and pass assessment before restarting operations. Local producers are required to resume operations in three groups after 10 February, 17…
Domestic Primary Al Inventory Increases by 90 kt
11/02/20 | Aluminium
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News Primary aluminium inventory at social warehouses climbed by 90 kt to 1.04 mln t due to continued train shipments and restricted road transport. As of 10 Feb., primary aluminium inventories at Shanghai warehouses were; 107 kt, Wuxi 365 kt, Nanhai 230 kt, Hangzhou 113…