Mining Right Approval for Qiaoye Bx Mine in Tianyang Guangxi
19/02/20 | Bauxite
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News 17th February: Guangxi Tianyang Jinchun Investment Co. Ltd’s Qiaoye bauxite mine has been granted mining rights approval by the Department of Natural Resources of Guangxi. Qiaoye bauxite mine is located at Wu Village, Tianyang County, Guangxi, covering an area of 18.69 km2. The mining rights…
Jinchuan WP Indonesia: 14 kt NPI Output
18/02/20 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News As of February 14, Jinchuan WP Indonesia had produced 14,007 tons NPI in the month, accomplishing its monthly output target and indicating that its first NPI production line is ramping up to full capacity operation. Source
SPIC Baiyinhua Al Smelter to Come online in Q3 2020
18/02/20 | Aluminium
Asian Metal News Designed with 400 ktpy capacity and comprising 308 sets of 500kA electrolytic cells, construction of the SPIC Baiyinhua aluminium smelter began in Q2 2019. Backed by total investment of RMB 3.5 bln, the project also involves development of an associated thermal power plant with two x…
Yunnan Shenhuo Starts Phase I 150 ktpy Primary Al Project
18/02/20 | Aluminium
Cnal News Yunnan Shenhuo’s Phase I, 150 ktpy primary project formally came online on 17th February 2020. According to an internal source, the company will start operations gradually, powering up two electrolytic cells per day due to a short-term lack of workers as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic.…
Henan Zhongfu: 250 ktpy Primary Al Project Progressing
18/02/20 | Aluminium
Cnal News Guangyuan Linfeng Aluminium and Electricity Co. Ltd., (formerly Linzhou Linfeng Aluminium), part of the Henan Zhongfu Group, formally came online on 29th November 2019 under the capacity replacement scheme. The project includes 250 ktpy capacity of primary aluminium production lines to be built in two phases. Phase I…
Ni Laterite Inventory Fall by 472 kt at Ports
18/02/20 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News SMM: As of last Friday, nickel laterite inventory at Chinese ports fell by 472 kt to 13.7 mln t (116.8 kt in Ni metal), a decline of 3.8 kt (in Ni metal) from 7th February. Nickel laterite inventory at the major seven large ports was 10.85…
Domestic Al Inventory Continues to Increase
18/02/20 | Alumina
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News SMM: Primary aluminium inventory at social warehouses increased by 148 kt to 1.09 mln t last Thursday. Most downstream aluminium processors had planned to resume operations after 10th February, however, restrictions to transport, logistics, and a lack of workers may slow the resumption process downstream, contracting…
Domestic Primary Al Smelters: Average Profits at RMB2,000/t
18/02/20 | Aluminium
Cnal News Local bauxite prices are standing at RMB290/t with alumina prices at RMB2,350/t in Guangxi, with other raw material prices including caustic soda and pre-bake anode the same as before the holiday. However thermal coal prices rose rapidly after the holiday, seeing Shanxi coal prices at RMB509/t at…
Henan Yuguang Halves Zn Output for Feb.
14/02/20 | Zinc
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News Shrinking downstream demand in conjunction with restricted logistics as a result of the NCP epidemic has driven up stocks of sulphuric acid at Henan Yuguang Gold and Lead, a major lead and zinc producer in central China. Consequently, the company announced that it will cut…