Domestic Refined Zn Output to Drop in Feb.
21/02/20 | Zinc
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News Domestic zinc smelters have enjoyed profit margins of RMB1,000~1,500/t recently, thanks to relatively high PC charges at RMB6,000~6,500/t for zinc concentrates (50% grade). Boosted by high margins, large zinc smelters have been operating at full during the CNY holiday period, with stocks mounting after the…
Downstream Consumption of Al Remains Sluggish in Feb.
21/02/20 | Aluminium
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News 19th February: According to the NDRC, 80% of major nonferrous metals producers have resumed operations after the extended New Year holiday. Despite supportive policies of local governments regarding resumption, businesses will take time to return to production levels set prior to the COVID-19 outbreak due to…
Domestic Primary Al Inventory up by 137 kt
21/02/20 | Aluminium
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News 20th February: Total domestic aluminium inventory at China’s major store houses increased by 137 kt from last Thursday to 1.23 mln t, including 111 kt in Shanghai, 447 kt in Wuxi, 258 kt in Nanhai, 125 kt in Hangzhou, 209 kt in Gongyi, 57 kt in…
Gansu Dongxing Al Operating Normally
21/02/20 | Aluminium
China Chemical New Gansu Dongxing Aluminium’s Jiayuguan smelter has 1.35 mtpy primary aluminium capacity with 1.3 mtpy in operation – an operational rate of 96.3%. Gansu Dongxing’s Longxi smelter was designed with 350 ktpy capacity with 300 ktpy in operation – an operational rate of 85.71%. The two…
MNR: First Batch of Production Quota for REs and W Ore
20/02/20 | Tungsten
Ministry of Natural Resources 20th February: MNR (Ministry of Natural Resources) and MIIT(Ministry of Industrial and Information Technology) published the first batch of rare earth and tungsten mining quotas for 2020. In 2020, the government will continue to focus on overall control of rare earths and tungsten mining volumes.…
SMM: Domestic Aa Capacity Cut of 5.25 mtpy
20/02/20 | Alumina
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News 19th SMM: As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, domestic alumina capacity cuts increased to 5.25 mtpy, (including calcination processing capacity). Of this figure, Shanxi has made 5.05 mtpy of alumina capacity cuts and Henan has cut 200 ktpy. Source
Aladdiny: Aa Refineries under Pressure from Raw Material Shortages and High Inventories
20/02/20 | Alumina
China Nonferrous Metals News Aladdiny: Domestic alumina refineries are still under pressure from a shortages of coal and bauxite together with relatively high alumina inventories. Coal supply shortages have hit refineries harder in Shanxi, Shandong and Henan than those in other regions. Refineries in Guangxi and Guizhou currently have reasonable…
Wenshan Al: Bx Consumption Declines in Feb.
19/02/20 | Alumina
Asian Metal News Wenshan Aluminium in Yunnan’s bauxite consumption dropped to 200 kt in February from 300 kt in January 2020 after the company halted one 400 ktpy alumina production line earlier this month due to a low bauxite inventory led by traffic restrictions. The company currently holds 150…
Domestic Aa Prices on the Rise
19/02/20 | Alumina
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News 18th February, SMM: The COVID-19 epidemic has resulted in 4.6 mtpy of alumina capacity cuts (including calcination processing capacity), reducing China’s operational alumina capacity to 62.21 mtpy. Of this figure, Shanxi has made 3.8 mtpy of alumina capacity cuts and Henan has cut 200 ktpy.…