Tianyuan Chemical Resumes Full Aa Production
11/03/20 | Alumina
Asian Metal News Xiaoyi Tianyuan Chemical, with alumina capacity of 400 ktpy, resumed full operation at the beginning of March 2020, using imported bauxite. Tianyuan Chemical has one alumina production line which originally used domestic bauxite. The company began to use imported bauxite in mid-February 2020 after completing HT/LT conversion…
China Domestic Tin Output 7,506 t in February
10/03/20 | Tin
China Nonferrous Metals News SMM: China produced 7,506 t of refined tin in February 2020, down 30.4% m-o-m. The decline can be attributed to smelter suspensions as a consequence of the COVID-19 outbreak during the month. Most domestic smelters restarted operations in March with some running partial capacity on tightening…
Chalco Shanxi Al at Full Operation
10/03/20 | Aluminium
Asian Metal News Chalco Shanxi resumed full capacity operation of 2.4 mtpy in late February on increased coal gas supply after suspending production for two months. The company’s March output is estimated to rise to 190 kt, up from 160 kt in January. The company produced 1.8 mln t of…
China Domestic Al Output 2.87 mln t in February
10/03/20 | Aluminium
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News SMM: China produced 2.87 mln t of primary aluminium in February 2020, up 6.9% y-o-y. As of end-February, China’s completed primary aluminium capacity reached 40.99 mtpy, with 36.6 mtpy operational – a rate of 89.3%, down 0.2 percentage points m-o-m. Combined primary aluminium output…
China Domestic Aa Output 5.4 mln t in February
10/03/20 | Alumina
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News China produced 5.4 mln t of alumina in February 2020, of which 5.17 mln t was SGA, with daily average output of 178 kt, down 0.52% m-o-m and down 8.19% y-o-y. The impact of COVID-19 has resulted in 4.65 mtpy of alumina capacity cuts to…
Action Plan on Tailings Pond Risk Prevention
China Mining News MEM (Ministry of Emergency Management of PRC) has published the ‘Action Plan on Risk Prevention and Mitigation of Tailings Pond’. The Action Plan stipulates that to ensure normal construction and development of urgently needed and strategic mineral mines, the number of tailings ponds in China must be…
Aladdiny: Domestic Aa Output to Fall and Al to Rise in March
Fubao News COVID-19 has disrupted the domestic supply of bauxite, caustic soda and coal with 5.5 mtpy in alumina capacity cuts to date. Domestic refineries including Shanxi Xinfa, Xing’an Chemicals, Chiping Xinfa, and Weiqiao refiners have all cut capacity. According to Aladdiny, domestic alumina output is estimated at 5.38 mln…
1.5 mln t Imported Bx at Weiqiao Zhanhua Port in Feb.
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News A total of 1.5 mln t of imported bauxite was handled at Zhanhua Port of Weiqiao in February 2020, up 164% y-o-y, marking an all-time high. During the same period, 125.8 kt of imported alumina was handled at Zhanhua Port, up 26.4% y-o-y. Source
Weiqiao to Start Hongtai Al Project in Yunnan in Q3
06/03/20 | Aluminium
Asian Metal News Weiqiao Group is set to commission its Yunnan Hongtai New Material smelter project (2 mtpy primary aluminium via capacity replacement) by end-Q3 2020. Construction of phase I – consisting of 1 mtpy – began in November 2019 and is progressing smoothly, with completion expected in August…