Domestic Al Inventory Continues to Rise
18/03/20 | Aluminium
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News SMM: As of 16th March, domestic aluminium inventory reached 1.63 mln t. During the CNY holiday period (23rd January~2nd February 2020), domestic aluminium inventory climbed by 10 kt y-o-y to 194 kt. Domestic primary aluminium inventory has been building since then, growing by 747 kt…
Baise Mining Group Postpones Al Expansion Plan
18/03/20 | Aluminium
Asian Metal News Guangxi Baise Mining Group has five primary aluminium smelters designed with 1.3 mtpy capacity, of which 800 ktpy is presently operational. Baise Mining originally planned to expand its capacity by 300 ktpy by end-2020 by starting 100 ktpy in April, June and August. However, due…
3 mtpy of Al Capacity Replacement in 2019
17/03/20 | Aluminium
China Nonferrous Metals News CNIA: More than 3 mtpy of primary aluminium production quotas was replaced across provinces in China during 2019, of which, 2.46 mtpy were replaced in clean energy rich areas such as Yunnan. The risk of overcapacity in non-ferrous metal industries still exists, and the…
Kaiman Resumes Full Operation of Aa
17/03/20 | Alumina
Asian Metal News 17th March: Henan Kaiman, designed with 2.2 mtpy alumina capacity resumed full capacity operations late last week. According to an inside source, the company had previously been running a 70% operational rate during February due to raw material supply shortages. With increased resumptions of local…
Huiyuan Al Postpones Aa Resumption
17/03/20 | Alumina
Asian Metal News 17th March: Huiyuan Aluminium, with alumina capacity of 800 ktpy, is postponing its alumina resumption to an undisclosed future date from end-Q2 2020. The company has two alumina productions lines – each with 400ktpy capacity. Huiyuan originally planned to renovate one production line to allow…
Lubei Chemicals Expands Aa Capacity to 2mtpy
17/03/20 | Alumina
Asian Meatal News Lubei Chemicals has decided to expand its alumina capacity from its current level of 1 mtpy to 2 mtpy by end-2021. According to an internal source, the 1 mtpy expansion project commenced construction recently and is scheduled for completion in 18 months. Backed by total…
262 kt Guinean Bx at Shandong Yantai Port
17/03/20 | Bauxite
Cnal News Shandong Yantai Port unloaded 262 kt of Guinean bauxite on 16th March 2020 after the arrival of 300 kt-cargo ship GEMMA on 13th March 2020. Since Chinese New Year (23rd January), 21 shipments of Guinean bauxite totaling 2.87 mln t have arrived at Yantai in Shandong,…
Surigao Philippines: No Entrance of Foreign Cargos Ships in March
16/03/20 | Nickel
SMM News SMM: Surigao Port, The Philippines has banned the entrance of all foreign cargo ships from 18th March to 31st March 2020. Surigao is a major nickel laterite producing region in The Philippines, with good quality ores. The policy is likely to have limited impact on Philippine nickel…
Domestic Aa Supply to Increase on Rising Prices
16/03/20 | Alumina
Cnal News Raw material supply shortages as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic curtailed domestic alumina capacity by 6.08 mtpy as of early March 2020. Average daily alumina output dropped to 171.5 kt, falling by 16.5 kt from the pre-CNY holiday period. Prior to the CNY holiday (23rd January…