Weiqiao Advances into Automobile Lightweight Industry
13/04/20 | Aluminium
Cnal News Construction of Weiqiao Group’s automobile lightweight production base in Shandong was resumed on February 10 2020. At present, 90% of the foundation construction is complete, with other construction work underway according to schedule. Weiqiao Group began exploring the automobile lightweight industry in 2019 with four projects ongoing at…
Domestic Al Smelters: Average Profits Improve
13/04/20 | Aluminium
China Nonferrous Metals News Domestic aluminium smelters’ average productions costs fell by RMB 276/t w-o-w to RMB11,296/t this week. As a result, average profits of domestic smelters rose to RMB343/t, a rise of RMB448/t w-o-w. Raw material prices for aluminium smelting fell last week, represented by alumina prices at RMB2,210/t,…
Ganzhou Jiangxi: Standard for Construction of Green W Mines
10/04/20 | Tungsten
China Mining News The local authorities of Ganzhou, Jiangxi, recently published “Standard for Construction of Green Tungsten Mines”, which is to be implemented from May 1st, 2020. The Standard defines general principles, mining environment, resource development, comprehensive utilization, energy conservation and emission reduction requirements of green construction of tungsten mines,…
SMM: Domestic Primary Al Inventory Drops
10/04/20 | Aluminium
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News 9th April 2020: Total domestic aluminium inventory at China’s major store houses dropped by 69 kt from last Thursday to 1.607 mln t, including 172 kt in Shanghai, 657 kt in Wuxi, 143 kt in Hangzhou, 165 kt in Gongyi, 389 kt in Nanhai, 55 kt…
Heung Kong Wanji: Coal Gas Furnace on Maintenance
10/04/20 | Alumina
Asian Metal News Heung Kong Wanji, (Henan), designed with 1.4 mtpy alumina capacity began maintenance on one of its coal gas furnaces this week. As a direct result, coal gas supply shortages will reduce daily alumina output by 600 t to 2,400 t per day. The company produced 90 kt…
ROW Countries to Lead Growth of Global Aa Capacity
Cnal News Speaking at an open internet conference, Mr. Yao Xizhi, Chief Analyst of Chalco International Trade revealed that China’s demand for alumina has declined significantly over recent years in light of the implementation of SSSR (supply side structure reform) policies. Restricted by a fixed amount of overall primary aluminium…
Domestic W Market Remains Weak
09/04/20 | Tungsten
China Commodity Marketplace The domestic tungsten market continues weak at low levels. Domestic miners held firm on prices after mainstream prices fell below the average mining cost of RMB85,000/t, with the potential to slip further. At present, wolframite (65% grade) mainstream quotations are at RMB79,000~80,000/standard t; scheelite (65% grade) is…
Domestic Al Production Cuts to Increase Further
09/04/20 | Aluminium
China Nonferrous Metals News Domestic primary aluminium smelters are taking measures to mitigate losses by either suspending operations or advancing maintenance plans in light of low prices (approximately RMB11,000/t). Several smelters have decided to run maintenance ahead of schedule, particularly those with old cells, as maintenance costs are lower than…
Guinea: Chalco Boffa Project at Full Swing
09/04/20 | Bauxite
China Nonferrous Metals News 6th April: A 23-km integrated heavy-duty conveyor belt at Chalco Boffa project in Guinea is now fully online and operational, marking completion of the project. Backed by total investment of USD 585 mln t in Phase I, Chalco’s Boffa project consists of 1.7 bln t…