Domestic W Market Stable
14/10/21 | Tungsten
China Commodity Marketplace News The domestic tungsten concentrate market remains stable with a slight increase this week. Mainstream wolframite concentrate (65% WO3) prices at RMB110,000~112,000/t, scheelite concentrate (65% WO3) prices at RMB110,000~111,000/t and tungsten concentrates (50~55% WO3) at RMB107,000~110,000/t. Mainstream APT quotations increased to RMB169,000~172,000/t. Buoyed by rising subsidiary materials…
MNR: 2021 Annual Production Quotas for REs and W Ore
08/10/21 | Tungsten
SMM News 8th October 2021: MNR (Ministry of Natural Resources) and MIIT (Ministry of Industrial and Information Technology) published the annual rare earths and tungsten production quotas for 2021. The 2021 annual rare earths (REO) production quota is 168,000 t, including 148,850 t of rock type rare earths (light) and…
Shandong: 14th FYP for Protection and Utilization of Natural Resources
Shandong Government Recently, local authority of Shandong issued the “14th Five Year Plan 2021~2025)” for the protection of natural resources in Shandong Province. The Plan stipulates that by end-2025, the total volume of mineral mining in Shandong must be controlled under 1 bln t, with annual production of oil 25…
Interim Administration of Carbon Emission Trading Developments
China Nonferrous Metals News According to Bin Hui, Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange, industries such as building materials and nonferrous metals are expected to be included in China’s ETS (Emission Trading System) scheme in 2022. Other traditional industries such as steel making, chemical and aviation are…
Domestic W Market Stable
24/09/21 | Tungsten
China Nonferrous Metals News The domestic tungsten concentrate market remained stable this week with mainstream wolframite concentrate (65% WO3) prices at RMB108,000~110,000/t, scheelite concentrate (65% WO3) prices at 107,000~109,000/t and tungsten concentrates (50~55% WO3) at RMB105,000~107,000/t. The domestic APT market appeared to have stagnated this week, with mainstream prices sitting…
China Produces 494.1 kt of Mg from Jan. to July. 2021
16/09/21 | Magnesium
China Nonferrous Metals News CNIA: China produced 494.1 kt of primary magnesium during the first seven months of 2021, up 4.55% y-o-y. Of the total, magnesium production in Shaanxi was 344.2 kt, Shanxi 68.7 kt and Ningxia 13.4 kt, up 12.3%, up 0.58% and down 50.35% y-o-y respectively. Domestic magnesium…
Beihai Chengde: No NPI Production for August
09/09/21 | Nickel
Asian Metal News Guangxi Beihai Chengde Stainless Steel halted operations in mid-July amid power supply shortages and didn’t restart NPI (10% min Ni) production in August as power usage restrictions continued through the month. The company produced 25 kt of NPI (10% min Ni) in July and having no production…
Domestic Mg Prices Rally
08/09/21 | Magnesium
China Nonferrous Metals News Domestic magnesium prices rallied recently, driven by rising coal and FeSi prices along with tightening supply at smelters. Mainstream magnesium prices were being quoted at RMB30,500~31,000/t ex-works with taxes in Fugu Shaanxi last Friday, with some transactions closed at RMB30,500/t, an increase of RMB4,500/t w-o-w. Between…
Ni Laterite Prices on the Rise
06/09/21 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News Sea-bound nickel laterite prices (1.5% Ni grade) rose by USD1.5/WMT w-o-w to USD90.5/WMT, CIF on 3rd September, Friday. Nickel laterite prices have been on the rise recently as a result of tighter supply and stronger demand. Traders are quoting USD93/WMT for nickel laterite (1.5% Ni grade)…