Domestic Zn Output to Edge down in Jan. 2019
23/01/19 | Zinc
China Nonferrous Metals News SMM: Processing charges (PC) for zinc concentrates lifted by RMB 300/t on-month in January 2019, reaching RMB 5,400/t. In December 2018, PCs on domestic ore in combination with the price sharing-scheme for zinc concentrates boosted smelters’ profit margins up to RMB 2,000/t. Despite increased profit margins,…
Net Profit of JDC Moly Spikes in 2018
19/01/19 | Molybdenum
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News 15th January 2019: JDC (Jinduicheng Molybdenum Co. Ltd.) announced that the net profit attributed to the parent company in 2018 is expected to be between RMB 345 mln ~395 mln, up 222% or 268% on-year. The strong growth in net profit can be attributed to an…
Domestic W Prices Stop Falling
19/01/19 | Tungsten
China Commodity Marketplace Domestic tungsten prices have stop falling – represented by fewer transactions at low price levels. Today, the domestic tungsten market remains stable, with miners holding firm on prices. At present, wolfram (65% grade) mainstream quotations are at RMB 95,000~97,000/standard t; sheelite (65% grade) is at RMB 94,000~96,000/standard…
Domestic Mg Prices Rebound Slightly
15/01/19 | Magnesium
China Nonferrous Metals News Domestic magnesium prices recently rebounded slightly by RMB 100~200/t. As of 11th January, primary magnesium ingot (99.9% grade) was being quoted between RMB 16,400 ~16,500/t in Fugu Shaanxi, RMB 16,600 in Taiyuan and RMB 16,700/t in Wenxi Shanxi. At present, the majority of domestic smelters are…
Domestic High NPI Supply Appears Tight
14/01/19 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News Domestic high NPI output remained stable in December 2018. One large-scale NPI producer in Eastern China brought a 48,000 kVA furnace online in early December 2018, and is now generating output with the result of leveraging up overall domestic output for January. High-NPI imports from Indonesia…
China Produces 633 kt of Primary Mg from Jan.~Nov.
11/01/19 | Magnesium
East Money News China produced 62.3 kt of primary aluminium in November 2018, and aggregated domestic magnesium output between January to November 2018 totaled 632.5 kt, down 22.41% on-year. Of the total, magnesium output in Shaanxi was 391.9 kt, in Shanxi 88.2 kt, in Ningxia 63.2 kt, representing a year-on-year…
China Produces 457 kt of NPI (in Ni) in 2018
11/01/19 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News China produced 41.5 kt of NPI (in Ni) in December 2018, and total domestic NPI output reached 457 kt (in Ni) in 2018, up 7.92% on-year. High-NPI output for December 2018 edged up slightly by 0.11% on-month to 38.1 kt, chiefly thanks to Liaoning smelters resuming…
Largest Single RKEF Furnace in Operation at Linyi Xinhai
10/01/19 | Nickel
China Nonferrous Metals News China’s largest RKEF NPI furnace in terms of single-furnace volume has been put into operation in Shandong Linyi Xinhai New Materials. Shandong Linyi Xinhai has been designed with 12 NPI production lines (33 MVA each) for phase I and 8 NPI production lines (48 MVA each)…
Ganzhou W Association Publishes Guide Prices
08/01/19 | Tungsten
China Commodity Marketplace Ganzhou Tungsten Industry Association published its guide prices for tungsten products in January 2019, which were lower than those for December 2018 overall. The guide price for wolfram concentrate (65% WO3) is RMB 95,000/standard t, down 2,500/t on month, that for APT dropped by RMB 4,000/t to…