Domestic Mo Prices Holds Firm
06/03/19 | Molybdenum
China Commodity Marketplace The domestic molybdenum market has gradually returned to normal after the Chinese New Year holiday, with price standing firm at high levels. Some transactions took place at Heilongjiang yesterday, with prices at RMB 1,780/MTU by cash and RMB 1,810/t by acceptance bills. Molybdenum concentrate prices are expected…
Domestic Zn Inventories Lift Slightly
06/03/19 | Zinc
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News SMM: At the beginning of the week, domestic social zinc inventories reached 218.1 kt, up 3.3 kt from last Friday and up 5.7 kt from last Monday. With downstream producers returning to normal operations after the Chinese New Year holiday, social zinc inventories at Shanghai, Guangdong…
Domestic Mg Output at 696 kt in 2018
05/03/19 | Magnesium
China Nonferrous Metals News Magnesium Branch of CNIA: China produced 695.6 kt of primary magnesium in 2018, down 21.36% on-year. Shaanxi, Shanxi and Ningxia remain the three major magnesium producers in China with output of 431.6 kt, 97.4 kt and 65.5 kt, down 9.87%, down 30.78% and down 61.58% respectively.…
Domestic W Concentrates Output at 126 kt in 2018
05/03/19 | Tungsten
China Nonferrous Metals News China Tungsten Association: China produced 126 kt of tungsten concentrates in 2018 (converted to 65% WO3), down 3.73% on-year. The decline can be attributed to: Double counting – some trade figures and amounts of processed tungsten products were counted as concentrate output for 2017 Suspension of…
Ni Laterite Exports: Indonesia Steady, Philippines on the Rise
02/03/19 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News SMM: Macika Indonesia’s 1 mln WMT nickel laterite export quotas will expire by end-March 2019. With all previous quotas consumed new quotas are in negotiation. Indonesian Antam’s 2.7 mln WMT quota will expire by end-March 2019, and 5.2 mln WMT of new quotas are expected to…
China Exported 1,198 t of Refined Tin in Jan. 2019
28/02/19 | Tin
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News China Customs: China exported 1,198 t of refined tin in January 2019, doubling the figure for the same period in 2018 and marking the highest monthly level since January 2010. China imported 30.18 kt of tin ore and concentrates in January 2019, 29.39 kt of which…
Large Pb/Zn Deposit Discovered in Guizhou
27/02/19 | Zinc
China Nonferrous Metals News The ‘Geology Report of the Zhugongtang Lead and Zinc Mine at Hezhang County, Guizhou Province’ has passed expert assessment. According to the report, a total of 2.76 mln t of lead and zinc was discovered at the Zhugongtang site, marking it the first super-large lead and…
China’s Zn Concentrate Imports: 300 kt in Jan. 2019
27/02/19 | Zinc
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News SMM: China’s zinc concentrate imports declined by 39.2 kt on-year to 301.4 kt (actual tonnes) in January 2019. Australia, Peru and Spain were the top three zinc concentrate exporters to China, with exports of 123 kt, 42 kt and 23.9 kt respectively, accounting for 41%, 14%…
A Large Graphite Deposit Discovered at Shuangyashan Heilongjiang
26/02/19 | Graphite
Ifeng- Phoenix News Network After four years of exploration, the Heilongjiang Nonferrous Metals Geological Exploration Bureau has discovered a super-large graphite deposit in Xigou, Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang. A total of 62 graphite (flake graphite) ore bodies were discovered with total graphite resources at 335.52 mln t (industrial grade) and mineral…