Domestic Tin Output Remains Flat in 2019
22/03/19 | Tin
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News Domestic tin ore supply is unlikely to grow in 2019 due to limited growth expected in major producing regions. In southern China, tin ore mining is largely limited by environmental audits and safety checks. In IM, Yinman Mining with a 6 kt expansion plan in 2018,…
JDC Resumes Operation after Accident
21/03/19 | Molybdenum
China Nonferrous Metals News 12th February 2019: Due to an accident at the wet-process acid plant of the Molybdenum Furnace Products Division of JDC Molybdenum Co. Ltd., the company suspended operations at its molybdenum furnace production lines. From 20th March, after repairing and upgrading the problematic production lines, the company…
Nine Graphite Development Projects Restart in Jixi Heilongjiang
21/03/19 | Graphite
China Mining News Recently, backed by a RMB 5.87 bln investment, RMB 1.4 bln of which is to be invested in 2019; nine graphite development projects are to restart in Jixi Heilongjiang. Heilongjiang Jixi Pride New Material Co. Ltd.’s lithium ion battery anode material and graphite deep processing project is…
Domestic Mg Prices Continue to Rise
19/03/19 | Magnesium
China Nonferrous Metals News Last week (11~15 March): Domestic magnesium prices continued to rise on smelter production cuts and suspensions in Fugu Shaanxi, a major producing area, triggered by tightening local coal supply. As of 15th March, primary magnesium ingot (99.9% grade) was being quoted between RMB 17,400 ~17,500/t in…
MNR: First Batch of Production Quota for REs and W Ore
19/03/19 | Tungsten
Fang Real Estate News 19th March: MNR (Ministry of Natural Resources) and MIIT(Ministry of Industrial and Information Technology) published the first batch of rare earth and tungsten mining quotas for 2019. In 2019, the government will continue to focus on overall control of rare earths and tungsten mining volume. The…
February Domestic Mg Output at 58 kt
14/03/19 | Magnesium
China Nonferrous Metals News China produced 58 kt of primary magnesium in February 2019, showing a decline from January, chiefly due to the Yinman Mining accident in IM. Domestic magnesium prices have been hovering between RMB 16,950~17,150/t in February, with the monthly average price at RMB 17,025/t, up 13.58% on-year.…
New Discoveries of W/Mo in Luoyang Henan
14/03/19 | Tungsten
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News Since 2018, major geological exploration breakthroughs have been made on molybdenum and tungsten resources in Luanchuan Luoyang, Henan Province. An additional 970 kt of molybdenum (in metal), 940 kt of tungsten (in 65% WO3) and 246 kt of lead and zinc (in metal) resources has been…
300 ktpy Zn Alloy Project for Zhuzhou Smelters Group
13/03/19 | Zinc
Fubao News 7th March: Backed by total investments of RMB 338 mln, Zhuzhou Smelters Group has begun construction of a 300 ktpy zinc alloy project at the Nanzhou Industrial Park in the Lukou District, Zhuzhou Hunan. The project includes a 194 ktpy hot-dip galvanized zinc alloy production line, a 100…
Huanggang and Nanfang Mining Suspend Operations
12/03/19 | Tin
China Commodity Marketplace Huanggang Mining, IM has suspended tin ore mining for two weeks due to the 13th NPC meeting restricting use of explosive. The company has an annual tin ore mining capacity of 2 kt. Nanfang Mining in Hunan suspended tin ore dressing in early February 2019 due to…