Baise Mining1.2 mtpy Napo Aa Project Review
24/04/19 | Alumina
China Nonferrous Metals News 18th April, Guangxi Baise Mining Group has called a meeting to review and assess its 1.2 mtpy alumina development project at Napo. The project, located in Mazhao, Xinhe Village, Napo County, Guangxi, will be the largest single-line alumina production line using the Bayer process in the…
China March Aa Imports at 30 kt, Exports at 4,439 t
24/04/19 | Alumina
Fubao News and SMM News China Customs: China imported 30 kt of alumina in March 2019, falling by 40% from 50 kt in February. China’s total alumina imports totaled 162 kt in Q1 2019. China exported 4,439 t of alumina in March 2019, and alumina exports totaled 150.7 kt during…
China Moly: Net Profit Declines in Q1 2019
23/04/19 | Molybdenum
China Commodity Marketplace 19th April, China Moly published its Q1 report, forecasting net profits between RMB 250 mln to RMB 350 mln for Q1 2019, down 77.4% or 83.9% on-year. The decline can be attributed to a drastic decline in prices of copper and cobalt, which are major products for…
Fugu Shaanxi: Primary Mg Output to Reach 1 mtpy by end-2025
23/04/19 | Magnesium
China Nonferrous Metals News At present, there are 34 magnesium smelters in Fugu, Shaanxi, with a total designed capacity of 800 ktpy, of which, 650 ktpy has been completed. Fugu has been the largest magnesium producing region in the world since 2012. In 2018, a total of 370 kt of…
Domestic Aa Demand Improves
22/04/19 | Alumina
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News Recently, domestic alumina demand has been on the rise in the wake of improved operational primary aluminium capacity. Nevertheless, there has been some turbulence in domestic alumina demand represented by a Shandong alumina refinery suspending 1 mtpy capacity on environmental upgrades. The schedule for new alumina…
SPIC Restarts Kuancaoping Bx Mine Development at Ningwu Shanxi
22/04/19 | Bauxite
China Nonferrous Metals News 20th April, Shanxi Aluminium Co. Ltd. (a subordinate of SPIC Group) has restarted the Kuancaoping bauxite mine development project at Ningwu Shanxi. Kuancaoping is one of the bauxite mines that have been allocated to Shanxi Aluminium, with a mining permit initially granted in 2004. Construction of…
Daily Aa Delivery of Shanxi Huaxing Exceeds 1.5 kt
04/04/19 | Alumina
Cnal News Shanxi Huaxing Aluminium’s alumina delivery to its Baotou smelter exceeded 1.55 kt per day on 29th March and 30th March 2019, exceeding daily delivery targets set on 6th March. On the 6th March, the company set a daily delivery target at 1.5 kt from Shanxi Huaxing to its…
Xiamen Tungsten: Operation Income Increases in Q1 2019
02/04/19 | Tungsten
China Commodity Marketplace 19th April: Xiamen Tungsten released its Q1 report 2019, forecasting an operating income of RMB 3.81 bln, up 11.68% on-year; a net loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies of RMB 26.26 mln compared with a net profit of RMB 30.05 mln in the same period last…
Domestic Bx Prices Decline
02/04/19 | Bauxite
Aladdiny News This week (25~29 March): Domestic alumina prices continued their downward trend during the week, seeing transaction prices in the northern market falling under RMB 2,700/t and bearing down upon domestic bauxite prices. In addition, February’s single-month bauxite import record of 8.89 mln t is indicative of increased usage…