Huiyuan Aluminium To Suspend Aa Production
30/07/19 | Alumina
Asian Metal News 30th July: Huiyuan Aluminium, with alumina capacity of 800 ktpy, intends to suspend alumina production. A company spokesman says that the suspension will start mid-August and there is no plan to resume production within three months. The company’s alumina prices declined by RMB 400/t in July,…
Sliding Aa Prices and Firm Al Prices in the Domestic Market
Alu News Domestic alumina prices have fallen rapidly, by nearly 20%, since mid-June to date, causing significant losses for the majority of domestic alumina refineries. By contrast, domestic aluminium prices have been stable and improved profit margins have stimulated domestic smelters to increase their operational capacities. Destocking of primary aluminium…
Surplus Aa and Al Supply Deficit in China
Cnal News With domestic alumina supply rising by 4~5mtpy and domestic consumption holding stable in the year to date, the domestic alumina market is in slight surplus of 470 kt in 2019 as compared to a shortfall of 2.43 mln t in 2018. With stable supply and rising consumption, the…
China’s Al Stocks Decrease
26/07/19 | Aluminium
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News 25th July: China’s primary aluminum stocks reached 1.03 mln t, a decline of 7 kt from the previous week. This is a decrease of 267 kt since the beginning of the year, 760 kt less than the same period of last year. Read More
Guinea Kimbo & Co. Port Construction Complete
26/07/19 | Bauxite
Asian Metal News In early July, construction of the Kimbo & Co. Port project in Guinea was completed. It’s a joint venture project between Guinea Kimbo Bauxite, China Yantai Port and Singapore Top International Holding and began construction at the end of March 2019. A source from Yantai Port said…
Chalco Shanxi: HT/LT Conversion on Three Aa Production Lines
26/07/19 | Alumina
Asian Metal News 26th July: Chalco Shanxi, with alumina capacity of 2.4 mtpy, completed HT to LT conversion on three alumina production lines in mid-July. According to a company source, Chalco Shanxi, owns two alumina refineries, has two HT production lines with 600 ktpy capacity each in the old refinery…
Huiyuan Aluminium: HT/LT Aa Production Line Conversion
26/07/19 | Alumina
Asian Metal News 24th July: Huiyuan Aluminium, with alumina capacity of 800 ktpy, intends to start HT to LT conversion on its alumina production lines in the next three months. Huiyuan Aluminium has two HT alumina production lines with 400 ktpy capacity each, mainly using domestic bauxite. The company plans…
Luming Mining Maintenance
25/07/19 | Molybdenum
Asian Metal News Yichun Luming Mining, which has molybdenum concentrate capacity of 45 ktpy (50% grade), is scheduled to repair equipment over 7 days starting July 24th, in accordance with their regular quarterly maintenance plan. According to a company source, “Although maintenance will reduce the production of molybdenum concentrate by…
Malaysia Kadang Resources to Start Bx Production
25/07/19 | Bauxite
Asian Metal News Malaysia Kadang Resources plans to start bauxite production in Q4 of this year. Last month, they acquired mining rights for iron ore and bauxite in two locations, covering a total area of about 700 hectares. The initial capacity of bauxite is 60 kt per month which will…