Ni Market Review
23/08/19 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News 22 August: Jinchuan Group reduced the ex-works price for electrolytic nickel plate and barreled electrolytic nickel blocks by RMB 300/t to RMB 123,800/t and RMB 125,000/t respectively. 20 August: A steel mill in southern China offered to buy high NPI at RMB 1,130/Ni unit (delivered, with…
Chalco Liancheng Increases Carbon Anode Production
23/08/19 | Aluminium
Asian Metal News Chalco Liancheng is designed with 370 ktpy carbon anode capacity, comprising one 150 ktpy and one 220 ktpy production line. The company produced 15 kt of carbon anode in August, up from July’s figure of 10 kt, and plans to increase carbon anode output over the…
Mengtai Increases Al Production
23/08/19 | Aluminium
Asian Metal News IM Mengtai aluminium smelter was designed with primary aluminium capacity of 400 ktpy. However, due to a limitation of production quotas, the smelter has been operating at only 180 ktpy over the past year. The company has since acquired sufficient quotas and began operating the remaining 220…
Guangxi Huasheng’s 2 mtpy Aa Project
23/08/19 | Alumina
Cnal News 21st August: Major construction of Guangxi Huasheng’s 2 mtpy alumina project is progressing, with major roads, raw material replenishment and production schedules being implemented in accordance with contracts. Read More
Domestic Al Prices Edge Higher
22/08/19 | Aluminium
Fubao News The recent typhoon and news of the Xinfa Xinjiang smelter shutdown have curbed domestic aluminium supply in the short-term, consequently buoying prices. Typhoon Lekima has caused floods in Zouping, Shandong, forcing Weiqiao to suspend 1.05 mtpy of primary aluminum capacity. In addition, Xinjiang Xinfa smelter has shutdown…
Shaanxi Meixin Al at Full Operation
22/08/19 | Aluminium
Asian Metal News 20th August: Shaanxi Meixin powered up the last batch of its 224 sets of 500kA electrolytic cells, reaching full capacity operation of 300 ktpy. The company was designed with 450 ktpy primary aluminium and has an aluminium production quota of 300 ktpy. Daily output reaches 800 t…
Wenshan Al to Produce 1.5 mln t of Aa in 2019
22/08/19 | Alumina
Asian Metal News Wenshan Aluminium designed with 1.6 mtpy of alumina capacity, produced 1.4 mln t of alumina in 2018 and has a 1.5 mln t alumina output target for 2019. The company has produced 870 kt of alumina during the first seven months of 2019 and its August output…
TBEA to Invest USD 730 mln on Guinean Railway
22/08/19 | Bauxite
Ministry of Commerce TBEA (Tebian Electric Apparatus) announced that the company will invest a total of USD 730 mln in the construction of a 148 km railway connecting the Santou bauxite mining area to Cape Verga port. The project is scheduled for completion in 24 months. TBEA has been granted…
Domestic Mo Prices Stable at High Levels
22/08/19 | Molybdenum
China Commodity Marketplace The domestic molybdenum concentrate market remains stable, with steady prices and tightening spot supply. At present, molybdenum concentrates at standard grade are being quoted between RMB 1,990~2,000/MTU, and that for high grade concentrates at RMB 2,020~2,080/MTU. The domestic FeMo market remains flat with limited transaction and stable…