Henan Zhongmei Starts Bx Mining
05/09/19 | Bauxite
Asian Metal News Henan Zhongmei, a small alumina refinery with 450 ktpy capacity, has eight mining licenses for bauxite in Dengfeng City, Henan. Previously, lacking necessary mining approvals, Zhongmei was prevented from mining and had to seek supply from the market. At the end of August, the company began bauxite…
Domestic W Market Stagnant
05/09/19 | Tungsten
China Commodity Marketplace-20190904 The domestic tungsten concentrate market has stagnated, with miners/traders having no incentive to sell at low prices levels, and downstream buyers unwilling to restock on sluggish demand. At present, wolframite (65% grade) mainstream quotations are steady at RMB 73,000~75,000/standard t; scheelite (65% grade) is at RMB 72,000~74,000/standard…
Antaike: Domestic Al Production Expected at 3 mln t
05/09/19 | Aluminium
Cnal News According to Antaike, a total of 1.7 mln t primary aluminium capacity will be affected due to a recent typhoon and a series of incidents interrupting aluminium production in August. During August, there were production cuts at Shandong Weiqiao, Xinjiang Xinfa, and Sichuan Aba smelters. Meanwhile, Zhongwang has…
Chongqing Shuijiang Resumes 400 ktpy Aa Production Line
05/09/19 | Alumina
Asian Metal News Chongqing Shuijiang Alumina Refinery, designed with 800 ktpy alumina capacity, has two 400 ktpy alumina production lines. The company suspended one line for maintenance in mid-July, resuming operation in late August. At the moment, the Shuijiang refinery is operating at approximately 80%. Chongqing Shuijiang refinery came online…
Margins at Domestic Al Smelters Mark 2-Yr New High
03/09/19 | Aluminium
China Nonferrous Metals News SMM: Since the beginning of August, domestic primary aluminium smelters have been taking profits of RMB 800~1,000/t (based on full average production costs), marking a new 2-year high. The increase in margins can be attributed to rapidly rising aluminium prices and falling raw material prices. At…
Luliang Feimei Al to Resume Aa Operations
03/09/19 | Alumina
Asian Metal News Xinfa Feimei Aluminium Co. Ltd. at Luliang Shanxi plans to resume production of alumina on 15th September 2019, having previously suspended operations due to a red-mud leak in mid-May. Feimei Aluminium, designed with 2.8 mtpy alumina capacity, has four 700 ktpy production lines. The company’s 2019 output…
Domestic Mo Prices Remain Stable
03/09/19 | Molybdenum
China Commodity Marketplace The domestic molybdenum concentrate market remained stable at a high level during August. At the beginning of the month, domestic molybdenum concentrate prices lifted to a new eight-year high, following a large Heilongjiang miner increasing its sales prices. As a result, molybdenum prices in other producing regions…
W Prices Expected to Rebound on Tightening Supply
03/09/19 | Tungsten
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News After domestic tungsten smelters began to cut operations at end-June, supply of tungsten raw materials and products has tightened, gradually stabilizing tungsten prices. The pace of de-stocking at some tungsten smelters has increased, and several have tentatively increased their quotation prices. In early August, Qiu Wanyi,…
Indonesia to Resume Ban on Raw Ore Exports
03/09/19 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News SMM: The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia (ESDM), has revealed that Indonesia will resume its ban on exporting nickel laterite under grade 1.7% Ni, by end-December 2019. SMM verified the news with many nickel laterite traders and local Indonesian nickel laterite miners, confirming…