Xinhengfeng Begins Phase II of 250 ktpy Al Project
21/10/19 | Aluminium
Asian Metal News Xinhengfeng primary aluminium smelter, a subordinate of Dongfang East Hope, was designed with 500 ktpy of aluminium capacity comprising 260 sets of 600 kA cells. The company has been operating its Phase I – (250 ktpy) since the beginning of 2019, producing 180 kt of alumina during…
Domestic W Market Stable
18/10/19 | Tungsten
China Commodity Marketplace Domestic tungsten concentrate prices remained stable this week, however downstream APT and carbide smelters were reluctant to take high-level quotations, resulting in sparse transactions during the week. At present, wolframite (65% WO3) mainstream quotations are stable at RMB 96,000~98,000/standard t; scheelite (65% WO3) is at RMB 95,000~97,000/standard…
Domestic Al Inventory Declines by 61 kt
18/10/19 | Aluminium
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News 17 October: Total domestic aluminium inventory at China’s major store houses have dropped rapidly by 61 kt from last Thursday to 916 kt due to declining new arrivals. The figure includes 164 kt in Shanghai, 249 kt in Wuxi, 49 kt in Hangzhou, 71 kt in…
Luyu Bochuang Postpones 800 ktpy Aa Production Line
18/10/19 | Alumina
Asian Metal News Luyu Bochuang originally planned to bring its 800 ktpy alumina project online in December 2019, but has decided to postpone to Q2 2020. Project construction began in April 2019, but was not completed on schedule due to environmental issues. Luyu Bochuang’s other 600 ktpy alumina production line…
SPIC Guizhou Postpones 1 mtpy Aa Project
18/10/19 | Alumina
Asian Metal News SPIC Guizhou completed construction of its 1 mtpy alumina project in June 2019 and carried out trial operations in July. However, the project has been suspended due to some technical issues. Pre-desulfurization treatment of bauxite prior to precipitation is necessary, as the project is using high sulfur…
Shenhuo to Start its 450 ktpy Primary Al Project in Yunnan
17/10/19 | Aluminium
Asian Metal News Henan Shenhuo, with 900 ktpy designed primary aluminium capacity in Yunnan, has almost completed construction of its Phase I, 450 ktpy primary aluminium project which began in November 2018. In Henan, Shenhuo’s 250 ktpy smelter suspended all operations since late May 2019. Shenhuo is set to bring…
Bosai Group Takes Over Management of Qimingxing
17/10/19 | Aluminium
Asian Metals News Chongqing Bosai Group took over management of the Guangyuan Qimingxing smelter in the form of rental this October and will be responsible for Qimingxing’s raw material supply and product sales over the next three years. Guangyuan Qimingxing smelter, designed with 120 ktpy aluminium capacity comprising 220 sets…
Air Pollution Control Action Plan for 2019~2020 Autumn – Winter
17/10/19 | Aluminium
SMM News MEE(Ministry of Ecology and Environment) published the ‘Air Pollution Control Action Plan in Jingjinji for 2019~2020 Autumn and Winter’. According to the Plan, from October 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020, the average concentration of PM2.5 in Jingjinji region( Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and surrounding areas) is to decrease…
SMM: China September Refined Zn Output at 515.7 kt
16/10/19 | Zinc
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News SMM: China produced 515.7 kt of refined zinc in September, up 3.3% on-month and up 15.43% on-year. China’s refined zinc output totaled 4.25 mln t during the first nine months of 2019, up 7.08% on-year. Domestic refined zinc output continued to climb, hitting a monthly new…