Domestic Mg Prices Rebound from Low-end
29/03/23 | Magnesium
Asian Metal News Mainstream domestic magnesium prices rebounded by RMB 300/t from last Friday to RMB 20,200~20,500/t on Monday as several domestic smelters cut or suspended operations last week, however, with continued lackluster demand, transaction were sparse. Industry participants expect prices to remain stable at the current level until this…
YunHai Metals: 100 ktpy Mg Project in Wutai Xinzhou Shanxi
28/03/23 | Magnesium
China Nonferrous Metals News Backed by total investment of RMB 3.2 bln, Yunhai Magnesium’s 100 ktpy integrated magnesium project began construction in August 2022 at Wutai, Xinzhou. At present, the phase II development is progressing smoothly, and is expected to be completed in July 2024. The project is an integrated…
Two Mg Smelters in Fugu Suspend Operations
27/03/23 | Magnesium
Asian Metal News Fugu Jinwangtong Magnesium smelter is set to suspend magnesium smelting and run maintenance in late March 2023. As yet, the date of resumption is undecided. According to an internal source, the company has been mired in loss for several months and in view of continuing weak demand,…
Fugu Xintian Mg Suspends Operations
22/03/23 | Magnesium
Asian Metal News Fugu Xintian magnesium smelter is set to suspend smelting on 26th March, 2023 and the date of resumption is undecided. According to an internal source; “We have been mired in loss for four months since December 2022 due to low prices and slow sales of semi-coke together…
Yunhai Metals: 300 ktpy Mg Project at Qingyang Anhui Progressing
15/03/23 | Magnesium
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News The construction of Yunhai Metals’ primary magnesium (300 ktpy) and magnesium alloy project (300 ktpy)is progressing smoothly at Qingyang County, Anhui. Construction is being carried out in areas of primary magnesium, magnesium alloy, alloy deep processing, and transportation corridors. Once the Qingyang project completes, it will…
Domestic Mg Market Appears Flat
14/03/23 | Magnesium
Asian Metal News Mainstream magnesium prices are currently stable at RMB 20,400~20,700/t ex-works by cash, remaining unchanged from last Thursday. In view of continued sluggish demand, transactions were few this week. A northern smelter is quoting at RMB 20,500/t ex-works by cash but concluded no deals this week. The smelter…
XTC: Review of Recent Projects
13/03/23 | Tungsten
XTC Company News XTC’s Youmapo tungsten and molybdenum mining project construction is scheduled for completion in H2 2026, and annual production of tungsten concentrate is expected at 3,200 standard tonnes once fully operational. XTC Xiamen Jinlu: The production line of 10 mln indexable blades per annum is now operational and…
Zhangyuan W: Smart Ultra-high Performance W Powder Project on Trial Operation
13/03/23 | Tungsten
Finance News Zhangyuan W: The “Smart ultra-high performance tungsten powder project” (powder project Phase III) was running trial operations at end-2022. Any future expansion will be dependent on market demand. The company is now retrofitting tungsten powder project phase I and II, aiming for quality improvement and cost reduction per…
LoMo and Billions: TiO2 Pigment Sales Close to 120 kt in Feb.
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News LoMo and Billions made sales of 120 kt of TiO2 pigment in February 2023, hitting a new high point, of which about 55% is for export. After the acquisition of Fengyuan Co. Ltd., the company currently has titanium concentrate production of 150 kt per month and…