China’s NPI Production in Decline
14/11/19 | Nickel
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News China’s NPI output dropped by 0.64% on-month but was up by 30.34% on-year to 52.4 kt (in Ni metal) during October. Most domestic NPI producers continued to operate as normal during October driven by relatively high margins. However, the overall monthly output dropped slightly as a…
Xinxiang Al to Start 1 mtpy Aa Project
14/11/19 | Alumina
Asian Metal News Guangxi Longzhou Xinxiang Ecological Co. Ltd., a subordinate of Jinjiang Group, started the construction of a 1 mtpy alumina project (Phase I) in early November. According to an inside source, the project involves one HT alumina production line and is scheduled to come online by end-2020 with…
Shanxi: Implementation of Off-Peak Operational Plan for 2019~2020 Winter
14/11/19 | Aluminium
Cnal News Shanxi local authorities: Producers to be involved in off-peak operational plans during 2019~2020 winter are: iron and steel making, nonferrous metals, coking, chemical industry, building materials (brick and tile, fire resistance, ceramics, lime, glass, cement clinker and grinding station), and casting – producers who discharge emissions during operations.…
Domestic Primary Al Output: 35.75 mln t Expected in 2019
14/11/19 | Aluminium
Alu News China produced 29.81 mln t of primary aluminium during the first ten months of 2019, down 1.8% y-o-y, with annual output of 35.75 mln t expected, down 2% y-o-y. Industry commentators take the view that 2019 will be a year that marks real negative growth in primary aluminium…
MNR: 2019 Production Quota for REs and W Ore
13/11/19 | Tungsten
Xinhua News 13th November: MNR (Ministry of Natural Resources) and MIIT(Ministry of Industrial and Information Technology) published rare earth and tungsten mining quotas for 2019. In 2019, the government will continue to focus on control of rare earths and tungsten mining volumes. The 2019 overall rare earth (REO) production quota…
MEE: 2019~2020 Air Pollution Control Action Plan for Fenwei Plain Area
13/11/19 | Alumina, Aluminium, Bauxite
Cnal News According to MEE (the Ministry of Ecology and Environment Protection), the overall goal of comprehensive air pollution control for Fenwei Plain area during the 2019~2020 winter period (1st October 2019 to 31st March 2020) is to reduce the average concentration of PM2.5 by 3% y-o-y. The number of…
China October Al Output at 2.99 mln t
13/11/19 | Aluminium
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News China produced 2.99 mln t of primary aluminium in October 2019, down 3.82% m-o-m. China’s total primary aluminium output reached 29.45 mln during the first ten months of 2019, down 2.27% y-o-y. As of end-October, operational domestic primary aluminium capacity reached 35.39 mtpy, up slightly by…
China October Aa Output at 5.61 mln t
13/11/19 | Alumina
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News SMM: China produced 5.61 mln t of alumina (SGA) in October, with daily average output of 181 kt, up 0.63% m-o-m. China’s aggregated alumina output during the first ten months of 2019 reached 57.6 mln t, down 0.95% y-o-y. Growth in monthly output mainly came from…
China October Refined Zn Output at 529.3 kt
12/11/19 | Zinc
Alu News SMM: China produced 529.3 kt of refined zinc in October 2019, up 2.64% m-o-m and up 15.24% y-o-y. China’s total output during the first ten months of 2019 reached 4.78 mln t, up 7.93% y-o-y. Domestic refined zinc output growth hit a new high point during…