Xingren Denggao Al Project Progressing
20/12/19 | Aluminium
Cnal News Backed by total investment of RMB3.5 bln, Guizhou Xingren Denggao Aluminium has been designed with 500 ktpy of liquid aluminum capacity and associated facilities. Its Phase I (125 ktpy) liquid aluminum project came online in February 2018 with total liquid aluminium output of 97.7 kt from January…
Chalco Boffa: 1st Bx Shipment to China
20/12/19 | Bauxite
Cnal News 15th December: Bauxite produced from Chalco’s Boffa project in Guinea was transshipped via barge to the vessel ‘Yibo’, marking the first bauxite shipment from Chalco’s Boffa project to China. The majority of bauxite from Chalco Boffa will be shipped to China for use in domestic alumina refineries.…
Domestic Mg Output 748 kt Jan. to Oct.
18/12/19 | Magnesium
China Nonferrous Metals News CNIA: China produced 747.7 kt of primary magnesium during the first ten months of 2019, up 21.7% y-o-y. Of this figure, Shaanxi was 421 kt, up 18.9% on-year, Shanxi 99.1 kt, up 23.27% on-year and Ningxia 41.9 kt, down 30.06% on-year. Domestic magnesium prices averaged RMB14,367/t…
Chongqing Qineng Begins Al Ingot Casting
18/12/19 | Aluminium
Cnal News 10th December: Chongqing Qineng powered up its aluminium ingot casting lines in a bid to meet downstream processers’ restocking needs before the Chinese New Year (24th January 2020). The ingot casting lines will be operated for 60 days, targeting output of 15 kt. Chongqing Qineng is presently operating…
Domestic Aa Output at 5.67 mln t, Al 2.89 mln t for Nov.
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News NBS: China produced 5.67 mln t of alumina in November, down 9.7% m-o-m. China’s total alumina output during the first 11 months of 2019 was 66.49 mln t, down 0.7% m-o-m. China produced 2.898 mln t of primary aluminium in November, up from…
China Imports 6.48 mln t of Bx in October
18/12/19 | Bauxite
Alu News China imported 6.48 mln t of bauxite in October, down 4% m-o-m, a new monthly low for 2019. Bauxite imports from Guinea were only 1.66 mln t, down 7% m-o-m, a historic monthly low over the past two years. Imports from Australia lifted by 5% on-month to…
Domestic W Market Stagnates
17/12/19 | Tungsten
China Commodity Marketplace The domestic tungsten market stagnated last week, and it is unlikely to improve in the short-term. At present, raw materials holders are reluctant to sell at low prices and high-level quotations are being declined by buyers, resulting a stalemate. At present, wolframite (65% grade) mainstream quotations…
2019 Domestic Al Market: Weak Supply and Demand
17/12/19 | Aluminium
Cnal News Speaking at an industrial conference, Antaike analyst Ms. Wang Hongfei claimed that the 2019 domestic primary aluminium market has been weak on both supply and demand sides, with a sharper decline in supply expanding the supply shortfall during the year. Domestic primary aluminium smelters have seen soaring profit…
Domestic Zn Concentrate Production in Decline
16/12/19 | Zinc
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News SMM: China produced 342.5 kt of zinc concentrates in November 2019, down 2.1% m-o-m and down 8.1% y-o-y, represented by an operational rate of 74.9%. China’s zinc concentrate output during the first 11 months of 2019 reached 3.58 mln t, down 5.8% y-o-y. Several large zinc…