Chalco Shandong: RMB600 mln Profits Jan.~Nov.
24/12/19 | Alumina
China Nonferrous Metals News As of end-November, Chalco Shandong had made total profits of more than RMB600 and fully accomplished the production target set by the Chalco Group. Chalco Shandong has been committed to industrial upgrades and competence enhancement during 2019 by improving the share of CGA (chemical grade…
2020 Import Tariffs on Aa and NPI Unchanged
Alu New According to China’s ‘2020 Regulations on Tariffs of Imports/Exports’, China’s annual MFN (most favored nation) import tariff rates and provisional import tariff rates on alumina and NPI will remain unchanged from 2019. Starting 1st January 2020, a 5% MFN tariff and 0% provisional tariff rate will be levied…
China to Adjust Import Tariffs on Selected Products
23/12/19 | Tungsten
China Nonferrous Metals News China will implement the provisional import tax rate, which is lower than the MFN (most favored nation) tax rate for more than 850 products, with effect from 1st January 2020. Categories of products includes food and consumer goods, medications, equipment and machine parts, and some…
Xinjiang Tianshan Al: First Aa Shipment from Guangxi
Asian Metal News Xinjiang Tianshan Aluminium Co. Ltd, a major aluminium smelter in northwestern China with 1.4 mtpy primary aluminium capacity, began transporting alumina from its Guangxi refinery to its Xinjiang primary aluminium smelter on 20th December. Xinjiang Tianshan Aluminium has a 800 ktpy alumina refinery in Guangxi.…
Liaocheng: Environmental Red Alert Has Limited Impact on Al Industry
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News Liaocheng Shandong declared an air pollution ‘Red’ alert (Level I) on 20th December, with the date of alert alleviation and cancelation yet to be determined. During the red alert period, ‘A’ grade local primary aluminum smelters are exempted from production cuts, ‘B’ grade smelters…
Chalco: 10.04% Stake in Yunnan Al
23/12/19 | Aluminium
Cnal News 19th December: Chalco and Yunnan Aluminium reached an agreement regarding a share subscription, under which Chalco agreed to subscribe for 314 million A-shares of non-public issuance of Yunnan Aluminum Co., Ltd. (the affiliated controlling shareholder) with a cash cost of about RMB4.1 per share, and a total…
Guinean SOGUIPAMI Plans to Export 2 mln t of Bx in 2020
23/12/19 | Bauxite
Asian Metal News SOGUIPAMI (la société guinéenne du patrimoine minier) of Guinea, an SOE under the administration of the Guinean Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources, is aiming for 2 mln t of bauxite exports directly in 2020. SOGUIPAMI plans to export 180 kt of bauxite before March 2020 which will be supplied…
Tianyuan Chemicals Postpones Use of Imported Bx
20/12/19 | Bauxite
Asian Metal News Xiaoyi Tianyuan Chemical originally intended to use imported bauxite for alumina refining in December 2019 but has decided to postpone the plan. Tianyuan Chemical completed HT to LT conversion technology upgrades on one alumina production line in late November and planned to start using imported…
East Hope Jinzhong: 2019 Aa Output at 2.5 mln t
20/12/19 | Alumina
Asian Metals News East Hope Jinzhong Aluminium Co. Ltd. is set to produce 2.5 mln t of alumina in 2019, up by 38.9% y-o-y from 1.8 mln t in 2018. East Hope Jinzhong started a 1.2 mtpy alumina production line in October 2018, expanding its capacity from 2 mtpy to…