Chifeng Qihui Al’s 6.5 mtpy Aa Project
Sina Finance News 27th December: Chifeng Qihui Aluminium Co. Ltd’s 6.5 mtpy alumina project, backed by an investment consortium led by Jinguotou Investment (Dalian) Co. Ltd (a subordinate of Jinzhou Port Co., Ltd.), and designed by Shenyang Aluminum and Magnesium Design Institute has been established in Yuanbaoshan, Chifeng IM. The…
Weiqiao Commitment on Green Development
30/12/19 | Aluminium
Cnal News 18th December: Weiqiao Group started construction of an integrated hydro-aluminium Industrial Park, which comprises a 2 mtpy hydro-power and primary aluminium project in Yanshan County, Wenshan Prefecture, Yunnan. Weiqiao Group has also committed to develop a 2 mtpy renewable aluminum production base in Binzhou, which will be capable…
Revised ‘Regulations on Safety Supervision/Management of Tailings Dam’
27/12/19 | Bauxite
Ministry of Justice The Work Safety Department of the National Security Bureau has revised “Regulations on Safety Supervision/Management of Tailings Dam”’. A final draft of the revision is under review by relevant authorities. The revised ‘Regulations’ specifically define the term ‘tailings dam’, claiming that tailings dams refer to places where…
Domestic Mg Prices Rebound Slightly at End-Dec.
27/12/19 | Magnesium
China Nonferrous Metals News Domestic magnesium smelters have been under pressure from low prices with domestic magnesium falling below RMB14,000/t in early December. Domestic smelters increased their quotations in mid-December by RMB200/t, from RMB13,700/t to RMB 13,900/t, in response to rising raw material prices (coal) and pressures of excessive supply.…
Xinghua Technology Suspends Use of Domestic Bx
27/12/19 | Bauxite
Asian Metal News Xinghua Technology at Jiaokou Shanxi, a small alumina refinery under the Chalco Group, suspended use of domestic bauxite in early December. The company has total alumina capacity of 900 ktpy consisting of two alumina production lines of 350 ktpy (HT) and 550 ktpy (LT) respectively. Due to…
China November Bx Imports: 7.21 mln t
27/12/19 | Bauxite
Alu News China imported 7.21 mln t of bauxite in November, up by 11.38% m-o-m but down 10.9% y-o-y. China imported 3.28 mln t of bauxite from Australia, 1.86 mln t from Guinea and 1.5 mln t from Indonesia in the month, with the top three suppliers accounting for 92.03%…
Super-Large W/MO Deposit Discovered in Henan
26/12/19 | Molybdenum, Tungsten
China Mining News The geological and Mineral Bureau of Henan has discovered a super-large molybdenum/tungsten deposits in Lengshui – Chitudian, Luanchuan, Luoyang. The new discovery will add 3.17 mln t of molybdenum, 439,600 t of tungsten, 361,600 t of lead, 2.36 mln t of zinc, 2.71 t of copper and…
Yunnan Shenhuo to Come Online by End-2019
26/12/19 | Aluminium
Cnal News Yunnan Shenhuo originally planned to bring its aluminium production online in mid-September, but postponed. The company is set to bring its phase I 150 ktpy primary aluminium line online on 31st December 2019. Source
Guangyuan QimingXing Resumes 20 ktpy Primary Al
26/12/19 | Aluminium
Asian Metal News Sichuan Qimingxing Aluminium, designed with 120 ktpy primary aluminium capacity, has restarted 20 ktpy of its aluminium capacity since the beginning of December 2019. According to an inside source, the company is currently running at 60 ktpy capacity with a 70% operational rate. It has 220 sets…