2019 Domestic Zn Output Grows by 503.7 kt
17/01/20 | Zinc
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News Domestic zinc ore output is expected to grow moderately by approximately 100 kt in 2019, coming mainly from IM and Guangxi, due to intensifying environmental policies. Growth in zinc ore output is expected to slow during 2020, after delays in resumptions and new startup plans. Furthermore,…
2019 Domestic Mg Output Expected at 927.7 kt
17/01/20 | Magnesium
China Nonferrous Metals News CNIA: China produced 763.9 kt of primary magnesium during the first 11 months of 2019, up 11.16% y-o-y. China’s annual domestic primary magnesium output is expected to be 927.7 kt, with domestic consumption of 472.3 kt and exports of 446.5 kt, accounting for 50.91% and…
Zhuochuang: 45.17 mtpy Primary Al Capacity in China
17/01/20 | Aluminium
Alu News Zhuochuang Consultancy: As of end-December, China had a total of 45.17 mtpy of completed primary aluminum capacity, of which 34.11 mtpy was operational. Domestic smelters actively pursued new startups and resumptions in Q4 2019 thanks to increasing margins driven by rising prices – and reached an annual…
Antaike: Domestic Primary Al Output at 35.93 mln t
17/01/20 | Aluminium
China Nonferrous Metals News Antaike: China had a total of 41 mtpy primary aluminium capacity in 2019, across 82 primary aluminium smelters, representing 63.68% of the world’s total. Primary aluminium output in China totaled 35.93 mln t in 2019, down 1.84% y-o-y representing an operational rate of 87.63%. Antaike analysts…
Domestic W Market Stagnant
15/01/20 | Tungsten
China Commodity Marketplace The domestic tungsten concentrate market has stagnated. With relatively balanced supply and demand, industry commentators forecast a steady market next week before the New Year holiday. At present, wolframite (65% grade) mainstream quotations are holding steady at RMB 88,000~89,000/standard t; scheelite (65% grade) is at RMB87,000~89,000/standard t…
Yunnan Qiya to Start Up Phase I Primary Al Capacity in April
15/01/20 | Aluminium
Asian Metal News Construction of Yunnan Qiya’s hydro-power-primary aluminium project at Xinghe Industrial Park Heqing, Yunnan Province began at the end of 2018. Backed by total investment of RMB2.1 bln from Sichuan Qiya Group, the project has been designed with 700 ktpy primary aluminium capacity which is to be developed…
IM Yunsheng Cuts Mg Ingot Production by 50%
14/01/20 | Magnesium
Asian Metal News IM Yunsheng Magnesium Technology Co. Ltd. has decided to cut its magnesium production by 50% to approximately 20 t per day from 14th January to 12 February 2020. The move comes due to reduced coal supply prior to the Chinese New Year holiday combined with heavy snow…
Bosai Group Ghanaian Mine: 1.2 mln t Bx Output for 2019
14/01/20 | Bauxite
Asian Metal News Bosai’ s bauxite mine in Ghana, designed with 2.4 mtpy bauxite mining capacity, produced 1.6 mln t of bauxite in 2017 and 1.2 mln t in 2019. According to an internal source, Bosai Group mainly sell to the European and American markets instead of China due to…
Baise Mining Group : 300 ktpy Primary Al Operational in 2020
13/01/20 | Aluminium
Asian Metal News Guangxi Baise Mining Group, designed with 1.3 mtpy primary aluminium capacity, has five primary aluminium smelters with a total of 800 ktpy capacity presently in operation. Designed with 300 ktpy primary aluminium capacity each, the Debao smelter is currently operating at 200 ktpy and the Tianlin smelter…