Baotou Government Net

The Development and Reform Commission of Baotou published the ‘Red Alert Response Measures of Double Control of Energy Consumption in  Q1 2021’ on 15th March 2021. Double control indicates ‘controlling total annual energy consumption and energy consumption intensity (per unit of GDP)’

According to the policy, detailed targets for Q1 2021 Energy Consumption control include:

  1. Suspension of operations at 34 ferroalloy producers
  2. Shut down of some thermal power generating units of captive power plants
  3. Limit operation of producers on the ‘Restricted Producers’ list
  4. Strengthen energy savings management of key energy consuming producers
  5. Take measures to save energy and reduce consumption in the fields of commercial circulation, transportation, construction and public institutions.

It is estimated that implementation of these measures will achieve the goal of reducing energy consumption by 162 kt of standard coal in March 2021, exceeding emission controls set for Q1 2021.


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