Shanghai Nonferrous Metals News


The “2020 Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan” published by Henan provincial government stipulates that:


  1. By end-2020, in addition to the units that must be retained for heating and other purposes, all thermal power generators under 300 MW must be shut down. Thermal power generators of and above 600 MW are to account for 65% of total installed capacity in Henan. Coal consumption for power generating to drop to 300g/kWh. The total consumption of coal in Henan to drop by 15% from that in 2015, with total coal consumption to be contained under 201 mln t, and 52% of which will be for generating electricity.
  2. By end-2020, all qualified iron and steel smelters in Henan must complete transformation to ultra-low emission. Primary aluminium capacities in city centers are to be phased out and primary aluminium capacities under 200 ktpy will be eliminated. Production capacity of independent carbon producers who do not meet requirements of environmental protection and safety is to be eliminated, and independent carbon producers with capacity of less than 100 ktpy will be shut down. Primary aluminium smelters must accelerate construction of flue gas desulfurization facilities, increase intensity of unorganized emission control in thermal residual cooling, build closed and efficient flue gas collection systems, and realize effective treatment of residual cooling flue gas.



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